The 5th Annual International Cybersecurity Conference

22 June 2015, 9:00 
Tel Aviv University 

We are proud to announce that Cyber Week 2015, one of the most important annual cyber events, will be held in Israel on June 22rd -25th, 2015.


With each passing year, the conference grows; awareness of the increasing threats becoming a matter of international concern and common knowledge. Israel, known as the start-up nation, is now becoming a cyber-nation, one which combines high-end technology, innovation and talented innovators. The conference will include speakers and delegations from both Israel and abroad who will share their insights on the most recent developments in cybersecurity and discuss key dilemmas and opportunities arising from the evolving technologies.


The conference receives extensive global media coverage. The last conference enjoyed the presence of more than 5,000 attendees from 48 countries. Delegates included: decision makers, diplomats, academics, respected members of the defense industry and intelligence units, Israeli and international students, hi-tech entrepreneurs, leading experts from the cyber industry, cyber professionals, corporate C-suite executives and senior decision makers representing policy circles, private sector and defense in Israel and abroad.  


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