Prof. Lior Wolf

Prof. Lior Wolf is a faculty member at the School of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University. Previously, he was a post-doctoral associate in Prof. Poggio's lab at MIT. He graduated from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, where he worked under the supervision of Prof. Shashua. Lior Wolf was awarded the 2008 Sackler Career Development Chair, the Colton Excellence Fellowship for new faculty (2006-2008), the Max Shlumiuk Award for 2004, and the Rothchild Fellowship for 2004. His joint work with Prof. Shashua in ECCV 2000 received the best paper award, and their work in ICCV 2001 received the Marr Prize honorable mention. He was also awarded the best paper award at the post ICCV 2009 workshop on eHeritage, and the pre-CVPR2013 workshop on action recognition. Prof. Wolf research focuses on computer vision and applications of machine learning and includes topics such as face identification, document analysis, digital paleography, and video action recognition.






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