Dr. Roey Tzezana

Dr. Roey Tzezana is a fellow in Yuval Ne'eman Workshop for Science, Technology & Security, and lectures in the Technion. He holds a BSc in Biology, and an MSc and PhD in Nano-technology at the Technion. His research is focused in identifying and analyzing emerging and disruptive technologies and their impact on society, and are held in collaboration with the EU, Israeli government and private companies.

Dr. Tzezana is a highly popular lecturer on future and technology, and is the academic manager of the course "Breakthrough Technologies"  at the Hebrew University. Dr. Tzezana is constantly advancing awareness to science and technology with his columns in popular and scientific magazines, and in his blog מדע אחר and Facebook pages. His first book - המדריך לעתיד - has been released towards the end of 2013, and has garnered widespread discourse and attention.

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